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Sulphur evaporators

Fleurs, Plantes en pot, Des légumes
Protection des cultures
Type de produit
Évaporateurs de soufre
Brinkman (hotbox)

The sulphur evaporator is an anti-pesticide tool that disperses evaporated sulphur through your greenhouse. Because of its higher temperature and humidity, a greenhouse is not only an ideal growing place for your crop, but also for fungi. Sulphur can be used to protect crops against fungi such as the infamous mildew. Dealing with mildew by evaporating sulphur is an effective, environmentally friendly and reliable method of combat. The sulphur vaporizer can also be used preventively, after all, prevention is always better than curing. For both the prevention and control of mildew and other fungi, the right amount of evaporation and a good spread of sulphur is essential.

Our used sulphur evaporators are fully technically inspected and delivered under warranty.

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